IV Simposio Internacional "Desafíos del Derecho en el siglo XXI"
This article is intended to present five legal reasons for the implementation of the Food Law as a branch of law in Cuba. An analysis is made of the historical background, evolution and concept of the Food Law, systematizing the visions in Europe and Latin America. It offers an analysis of the legal norms of the European Union that support the Food Law and the principles that inform it. The Food Law has been treated as a transformation of Agrarian Law, even being merged into the so-called Agri-Food Law. The Food Law is not only based on solid and particular principles but its concept differs from the concept of Agrarian Law, despite being two branches of law that share institutes. In Cuba, the non-introduction of the Food Law is given by the Latin American position to identify it as a fundamental right, right to food, and not as an independent branch of Law. The legal framework in Cuba with the constitutional reform opens a door to the recognition in the near future of Food Law as a branch object of study for legal sciences and other related sciences. The legal research methods used are: the historical-logical, to systematize the evolution of the category "Food Law"; the theoretical-juridical, to analyze different documents of doctrinal character on Food Law and Agrarian Law; and the exegetical-analytical, to determine the meaning and scope of international legal standards on this topic. The main results are aimed at presenting reasons for the implementation and study of the Food Law within the Cuban Legal Order.
This article is intended to present five legal reasons for the implementation of the Food Law as a branch of law in Cuba. An analysis is made of the historical background, evolution and concept of the Food Law, systematizing the visions in Europe and Latin America. It offers an analysis of the legal norms of the European Union that support the Food Law and the principles that inform it. The Food Law has been treated as a transformation of Agrarian Law, even being merged into the so-called Agri-Food Law. The Food Law is not only based on solid and particular principles but its concept differs from the concept of Agrarian Law, despite being two branches of law that share institutes. In Cuba, the non-introduction of the Food Law is given by the Latin American position to identify it as a fundamental right, right to food, and not as an independent branch of Law. The legal framework in Cuba with the constitutional reform opens a door to the recognition in the near future of Food Law as a branch object of study for legal sciences and other related sciences. The legal research methods used are: the historical-logical, to systematize the evolution of the category "Food Law"; the theoretical-juridical, to analyze different documents of doctrinal character on Food Law and Agrarian Law; and the exegetical-analytical, to determine the meaning and scope of international legal standards on this topic. The main results are aimed at presenting reasons for the implementation and study of the Food Law within the Cuban Legal Order.
Sobre el ponente
MsC. Jorge Freddy Milián Gómez

Profesor Asistente. Profesor Principal de Derecho Agrario y Alimentario. Departamento de Derecho, Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas, Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba. Investigador asociado del Centro de Derecho Privado y Económico, Facultad de Derecho y Criminología, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. E-mail: jmilian@uclv.cu, jmiliang@vub.be. Código ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4314-8799