V Simposio Internacional de Estudios Humanísticos 2019

V Simposio Internacional de Estudios Humanísticos 2019

Enseñanza colaborativa de inglés académico en la UCLV.

Collaboration among professionals from the same field of expertise seems to be a popular practice this twenty first century more than ever before. Today, we find it very frequently used within the artistic world where the terms ‘feature in’ has come to define it. Why not introducing it within the teaching learning processes?

The teaching and learning of English as a foreign language is gaining momentum and experiencing revolutionary changes at Cuban universities, therefore, it is useful and peremptory to reinforce and update such process, using the state-of-the art theories in the field useful to the XXI century learner.

In order to pursuit the stated goals of the present paper, first of all there was a search and thorough study of basic theories behind the notion of collaborative teaching. Then, there was an exploration of previous experiences, other teachers’ experiences in order to compare them to those of this author and seize the desired idea of collaborative teaching of English for Academic Purposes (EAP).  Finally, the authors would seek a balance between the presented findings and the accumulated experiences to ultimately reach the nearest point to the pedagogic praxis motivating this exposition.

Collaboration among professionals from the same field of expertise seems to be a popular practice this twenty first century more than ever before. Today, we find it very frequently used within the artistic world where the terms ‘feature in’ has come to define it. Why not introducing it within the teaching learning processes?

The teaching and learning of English as a foreign language is gaining momentum and experiencing revolutionary changes at Cuban universities, therefore, it is useful and peremptory to reinforce and update such process, using the state-of-the art theories in the field useful to the XXI century learner.

In order to pursuit the stated goals of the present paper, first of all there was a search and thorough study of basic theories behind the notion of collaborative teaching. Then, there was an exploration of previous experiences, other teachers’ experiences in order to compare them to those of this author and seize the desired idea of collaborative teaching of English for Academic Purposes (EAP).  Finally, the authors would seek a balance between the presented findings and the accumulated experiences to ultimately reach the nearest point to the pedagogic praxis motivating this exposition.

Sobre el ponente

Dianaleis Maza Amores

MsC. Dianaleis Maza Amores

UCLV Flag of Cuba

profesora del dpto Lengua inglesa en la UCLV

Información Práctica
No definido
30 minutos
No definido
Elisaliz Oramas Torres
Palabras clave
academic English
collaborative teaching
guest lecturing