Conferencia Internacional de Producción y Uso Sostenible del Cemento y Hormigón
The high demand for binders in Cuba as a result of the constructive needs of a developing country and the unavailability of pozzolans determined that specialists from the Center for Research and Development of Structure and Materials (CIDEM) of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, together with a technical team from the Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne, Switzerland, will elaborate a proposal of ternary cement based on the substitution of elevated quantities of clinker by a combination of calcined clay and calcium carbonate, a formulation known internationally as LC2 and / or LC3.
In this work the use of the pozzolanic addition is evaluated in a workshop of local production of construction materials in the Cienfuegos province, the suitability of the aggregates usually used in relation to the national standards and its relation with the resistance for manufactured concretes is determined with the new type LC3 binder.
Results are exposed in the manufacture of small format elements such as hollow blocks with the use of concretes designed and tested in a specialized laboratory of the Ministry of construction, resistance levels higher than 5 MPa are obtained in correspondence with the national standards.
The high demand for binders in Cuba as a result of the constructive needs of a developing country and the unavailability of pozzolans determined that specialists from the Center for Research and Development of Structure and Materials (CIDEM) of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, together with a technical team from the Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne, Switzerland, will elaborate a proposal of ternary cement based on the substitution of elevated quantities of clinker by a combination of calcined clay and calcium carbonate, a formulation known internationally as LC2 and / or LC3.
In this work the use of the pozzolanic addition is evaluated in a workshop of local production of construction materials in the Cienfuegos province, the suitability of the aggregates usually used in relation to the national standards and its relation with the resistance for manufactured concretes is determined with the new type LC3 binder.
Results are exposed in the manufacture of small format elements such as hollow blocks with the use of concretes designed and tested in a specialized laboratory of the Ministry of construction, resistance levels higher than 5 MPa are obtained in correspondence with the national standards.
Sobre el ponente
Ing. Ariens Laritza Yrigoyen Acosta