X Conferencia Internacional de Ingeniería Mecánica "COMEC 2019" -V Simposio de Materiales

X Conferencia Internacional de Ingeniería Mecánica

COMEC 2019

Evaluation of the effect of sample size on the fab factor repeatability


In the study of the wear mechanisms, the fab factor became an important tool in the quantification of the slip response of a particle on a surface as to the ability to groove or cut. However, the fab values ​​are usually associated with a low repeatability, making it impossible in some cases to associate them with the different abrasion mechanisms verified or until their invalidation. One practice often used to decrease standard deviation values ​​is to increase the number of measurements. Thus, the present work aims to identify the number of measurements needed to obtain the fab factor with better repeatability. Six sample sizes were considered: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30. The results obtained showed that the sample size significantly influenced the mean values ​​and the repeatability of the fab values.


In the study of the wear mechanisms, the fab factor became an important tool in the quantification of the slip response of a particle on a surface as to the ability to groove or cut. However, the fab values ​​are usually associated with a low repeatability, making it impossible in some cases to associate them with the different abrasion mechanisms verified or until their invalidation. One practice often used to decrease standard deviation values ​​is to increase the number of measurements. Thus, the present work aims to identify the number of measurements needed to obtain the fab factor with better repeatability. Six sample sizes were considered: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30. The results obtained showed that the sample size significantly influenced the mean values ​​and the repeatability of the fab values.

Sobre el ponente

Elsio Junior Bonati Borges

Elsio Junior Bonati Borges

Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Brasil Flag of Cuba
Información Práctica
Spanish / Español
No definido
30 minutos
No definido
Joyce Antunes Da Silva
Washington Martins da Silva Junior
Elsio Junior Bonati Borges
Rosenda Valdés Arencibia
Guilherme Bernardes Rodrigues
Palabras clave
Fator fab
Tamanho amostral