XI Conferencia Científica Internacional de Ingeniería Mecánica
COMEC 2023
VI Simposio de Diseño e Ingeniería asistida por computadora, Biomecánica y Mecatrónica
En el diseño de un ventilador pulmonar se consideran dos componentes importantes: mecánicos y eléctrico, el primero con referencia a las líneas de aspiración/espiración y el segundo, respecto al sistema de control necesario para el proceso de apertura/cierre de válvulas, empleo de sensores y comunicación con la interfaz. En el presente trabajo, se propone el diseño y evaluación de las herramientas para fabricar, por proceso de inyección de plástico, los componentes mecánicos principales de un ventilador pulmonar. El diseño conceptual se orientó para aspectos que permiten un ensamble sencillo, modular y compacto, así como para una rápida fabricación y pronta disponibilidad de las piezas, que deben cumplir las especificaciones técnicas de dispositivos médicos establecidos por entes regulatorios nacionales e internacionales. Se evalúan los costos de fabricación de los moldes y se comparan con los del mercado internacional, demostrando la viabilidad de los diseños. La propuesta se inscribe dentro del esquema tecnológico de lograr soberanía tecnológica, después que la pasada pandemia de COVID-19, dejara a escala mundial, un déficit importante de ventiladores pulmonares.
In the design of a lung ventilator, two important components are considered: mechanical and electrical, the first with reference to the suction/expiration lines and the second, with respect to the control system necessary for the valve opening/closing process, use of sensors and communication with the interface. In the present work, the design and evaluation of the tools to manufacture, by plastic injection process, the main mechanical components of a lung ventilator is proposed. The conceptual design was oriented to aspects that allow a simple, modular and compact assembly, as well as for a fast fabrication and prompt availability of the parts, which must comply with the technical specifications of medical devices established by national and international regulatory entities. The manufacturing costs of the molds are evaluated and compared with those of the international market, demonstrating the feasibility of the designs. The proposal is part of the technological scheme to achieve technological sovereignty, after the last pandemic of COVID-19, which left a significant deficit of pulmonary ventilators worldwide
Sobre el ponente
Dr. José Roberto Marty Delgado

Professor Marty Delgado work as full professor at Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering since 1985. He also obtained the Master Science Degree in 1995 and PhD in 1999, both in the field of mechanical engineering. Nowadays is Titular Professor at Central University “Marta Abreu” of las Villas, Cuba. He is author and co-author of several paper published in domestic and international journals or presented on various international conference. The main areas of scientific interest and activity are sheet metal forming, simulation, forming limit diagrams, metal forming technologies, mechanical vibrations and e learning. He was awarded several prices and other relevant recognition. He has completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the field of incremental sheet metal forming.