XIII Simposio Internacional de Estructuras, Geotecnia y Materiales de Construcción
XIII Coloquio de análisis, diseño y monitoreo estructural
The use of state-of-the-art materials in the construction, repair and reinforcement of buildings and civil works has revolutionised the construction industry. These innovative materials offer a number of advantages, such as increased strength, durability and energy efficiency. Today, materials such as ultra-high-strength concrete are used, which allows the construction of thinner and lighter structures without compromising their strength. Carbon fibres and glass fibre-reinforced polymers are also used, which provide greater tensile strength and flexibility, resulting in safer and more durable structures. In addition, smart materials, such as sensors embedded in concrete, make it possible to monitor the structural health of buildings and bridges in real time, detecting potential damage or weaknesses before they become major problems. The use of these state-of-the-art materials not only improves the quality and lifespan of buildings and civil works, but also contributes to sustainability and energy efficiency by reducing resource consumption and minimising environmental impact. In short, the use of state-of-the-art materials in the construction, repair and reinforcement of buildings and civil works has enabled progress to be made in terms of safety, durability and sustainability, providing innovative and efficient solutions for infrastructure development.
Sobre el ponente
Dr. Rafael Ramírez Díaz
