Simposio Internacional de Industria
Problemática: La tecnología en sus diferentes configuraciones es un facilitador de los cambios educativos. Estos cambios se basan en tendencias globales que, si se identifican oportunamente, permiten a los educadores actuar y adaptarse eficazmente a las necesidades de la comunidad educativa. Metodología: En este contexto, mediante técnicas de revisión bibliográfica, se detallan algunas de las herramientas digitales educativas para la educación superior, útiles para la enseñanza de la ingeniería mecánica, para que estudiantes y profesores tengan acceso al material educativo necesario y puedan cooperar desde cualquier lugar. Esto exige tecnologías educativas personalizadas que faciliten las tareas tan exigentes que requieren los nuevos roles educativos del profesor y de los estudiantes. Las competencias digitales se consideran un motor de la innovación educativa ya que su resultado inmediato es la producción de nuevos recursos mediáticos digitales para la enseñanza. Objetivo: El objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar el estado actual de la tecnología digital educativa para la enseñanza superior en el área de la ingeniería mecánica en la Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas, para compartir este conocimiento con todos los actores involucrados en la enseñanza de la ingeniería mecánica. Resultados y discusión: Los resultados de este estudio explican en qué medida los profesores se consideran hábiles en el uso de las herramientas tecnológicas digitales y los recursos digitales. La mayoría de los autores consultados coinciden en que el uso de estas herramientas digitales herramientas ayudan a mejorar los resultados del aprendizaje y el rendimiento de los estudiantes
Problem to deal with: Technology in its different configurations is a facilitator of educational changes. These changes are based on global trends that, if identified in a timely manner, allow educators to act and adapt effectively to the needs of the educational community. Methodology: In this context, through literature review techniques, some of the educational digital tools for higher education, useful for teaching mechanical engineering, are detailed so that students and teachers have access to the necessary educational material and can cooperate from anywhere. This requires customized educational technologies that facilitate the very demanding tasks required by the new educational roles of teacher and students. Digital competencies are considered a driver of educational innovation since their immediate result is the production of new digital media resources for teaching. Aims: the objective of this paper is to show the current state of educational digital technology for higher education in the area of mechanical engineering at the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, in order to share this knowledge with all the actors involved in the teaching of mechanical engineering. Results and Discussion: the results of this study explain to what extent professors consider themselves skilled in the use of digital technological tools and digital resources. Conclusions: Most of the authors consulted agree that the use of these digital tools help to improve learning outcomes and student performance
Sobre el ponente
Dr. José Roberto Marty Delgado

Professor Marty Delgado work as full professor at Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering since 1985. He also obtained the Master Science Degree in 1995 and PhD in 1999, both in the field of mechanical engineering. Nowadays is Titular Professor at Central University “Marta Abreu” of las Villas, Cuba. He is author and co-author of several paper published in domestic and international journals or presented on various international conference. The main areas of scientific interest and activity are sheet metal forming, simulation, forming limit diagrams, metal forming technologies, mechanical vibrations and e learning. He was awarded several prices and other relevant recognition. He has completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the field of incremental sheet metal forming.