Course 1: Analysis, visualization and processing of geographic information.

2nd International Symposium on "Generation and Transfer of Knowledge for Digital Transformation"

Course 1: Analysis, visualization and processing of geographic information.

Course title: Analysis, visualization and processing of Geographic Information.

Name of teacher, institution, country: Romel Vázquez Rodríguez, Centro de Investigaciones de la Informática, UCLV, Cuba.

Orcid code:

Index H: 3

Summary of content (up to 120 words).

The course will apply geographic information systems for the analysis, visualization and processing of geographic information. The main data formats used by geographic information systems will be studied, digital cartography will be created and the main geoprocesses and methods for the analysis, visualization and processing of spatial data will be applied. Map servers and access to spatial databases and geospatial web services will be used. Essentially free and open source tools will be used. The course is of general purpose and is aimed at computer specialists and other areas that require the generation, manipulation and analysis of spatial data.

Summary of the teacher's CV (up to 250 words).

The professor has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (UCLV, 2006) and a Master's degree in Computer Science (UCLV, 2008). In 2012 he obtained the title of University Expert in Geographic Information Systems at the International University of Andalusia (Spain). He completed his PhD at the University of Granada, Spain, on topics related to Geographic Information Systems (UGR, 2015). He serves as a professor in the Department of Computer Science at UCLV and researcher at the Computer Science Research Center. He has scientific publications in indexed journals and has participated in national and international events. He has obtained CITMA Provincial awards from the Cuban Academy of Sciences and other national and international recognitions.

V International Scientific Convention UCLV 2025
Hotel Starfish Cayo Santa María
Caibarien, VCL


The registration fee for nationals includes a Certificate of Participation and publication of the best papers in the journals that will sponsor the event.
November 6, 2023
Inicio - 8:30 AM
November 10, 2023
Fin - 5:00 PM Cuba

V International Scientific Convention UCLV 2025

Hotel Starfish Cayo Santa María
Caibarien, VCL 50100

V International Scientific Convention UCLV 2025


Erik Silverio Pombrol


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