Course 3: Open Science policy design

2nd International Symposium on "Generation and Transfer of Knowledge for Digital Transformation"

Course 3: Open Science policy design


        ·       Course Title: Open Science Policy Design

       ·       Name of teacher, institution, country: Professor: Dr. Grizly Meneses Placeres. Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, Cuba

        ·       Orcid code:

        ·       H Index: 8


Summary of content (up to 120 words): The course aims to: design of Open Science policies in the context of Higher Education. The topics will be: Open Science, its essential components. UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science as a basis for policy design.  Background review of Open Science policies in the international context, their structure, scope and objectives. Examples of Open Science policies.

Summary of the professor's CV (up to 250 words): PhD in Documentation and Scientific Information from the University of Granada and in Information Sciences in Cuba (2010). Master in Library and Information Science, University of Havana (2006). Degree in Scientific and Technical Information and Library Science. Full Professor. She was head of the Department of Information Sciences of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas (UCLV). She was coordinator of the Information Sciences Career (UCLV). She has participated in several national and international events of the specialty, as well as scientific publications on the subject of Information Literacy and information behavior and open science, this being her current line of research. Member of the Board of Experts in Information Processing: Exit ID: 1428. She advises on issues of Media and Information Literacy, Open Science and University Rankings. She is currently the Director of Scientific Information at UCLV. She leads and is a member of several national and international research projects on topics of open access, open science, research data management and scientific visibility.

V International Scientific Convention UCLV 2025
Hotel Starfish Cayo Santa María
Caibarien, VCL


The registration fee for nationals includes a Certificate of Participation and publication of the best papers in the journals that will sponsor the event.
November 6, 2023
Inicio - 8:30 AM
November 10, 2023
Fin - 5:00 PM Cuba

V International Scientific Convention UCLV 2025

Hotel Starfish Cayo Santa María
Caibarien, VCL 50100

V International Scientific Convention UCLV 2025


Erik Silverio Pombrol


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