4th International Scientific Conference “Challenges of Education 2025”
The Centre for Education Studies (CEEd) ‘Gaspar Jorge García Galló’, the Faculty of Secondary Education and the Faculty of Early Childhood Education (associated with UNESCO), of the Central University ‘Marta Abreu’ of Las Villas (UCLV), an institution of excellence in Higher Education in Cuba, call researchers, academics, managers, teachers, specialists, undergraduate and postgraduate students, Cubans and foreigners, to participate in the IV International Scientific Conference ‘Challenges of Education 2025’ to be held within the framework of the V International Scientific Conference ‘Science and Innovation for Education 2025’, undergraduate and postgraduate students, Cuban and foreign, to participate in the IV International Scientific Conference ‘Challenges of Education 2025’ to be held in the framework of the V International Scientific Conference ‘Science and Innovation for Sustainable Development’ UCLV 2025, on XXX November 2025 in the tourist destination Cayos de Villa Clara, Cuba.
The opportunity can become a moment of special meeting of multidisciplinary character and open to the university, teaching, scientific and research community, to offer visibility to new research, master's and doctoral studies, projects in development, which allow assessing in a space of fraternity, the challenges and prospects of education in pursuit of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
There will be keynote lectures, workshops, pre-event courses by prestigious national and international specialists, and other activities with a multidisciplinary and intersectoral profile. Participation will be virtual and face-to-face, through papers and posters, which will facilitate the contribution of the speakers according to their interests, and the event will be adapted to different schedules and personal agendas of the participants.
In the context of the IV International Scientific Conference ‘Challenges of Education 2025’, the V International Scientific-Methodological Workshop will be held: ‘Doctoral training in Education Sciences. Challenges and Perspectives’.
Presidents | Dr. C. Beatriz Rodríguez Rodríguez M.Sc. Joaquín Suárez Salvador | Dean, Faculty of Early Childhood Education Dean, Faculty of Secondary Teacher Education
Executive Secretary | Dr. C. Guillermo Soler Rodríguez | Director, CEEd |
Scientific Committee | Dr. C. Tania Hernández Nodarse | Vice Dean for Research and Postgraduate Studies |
Platform Coordinator | Dr. C. Walfredo Gonzalez Hernandez | Head, Department of Informatics Education |
Executive Secretary | Dr. C. Guillermo Soler Rodríguez | Director of CEEd |
Member | Dr. C. Merling Murguía Moré | Full professor at CEEd |
Member | Dr. C. Lismay Pérez Rodríguez | Vice Dean for University Extension, Digitalization, Information, and Communication |
Member | Dr. C. Aida María Torres Alfonso | Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Educational Sciences |
President | Dr. C. Tania Hernández Nodarse | Vice Dean for Research and Postgraduate Studies |
Member | Dr. C. Erlena Cruz Hernández | Vice Dean for Academic Affairs |
Member | Dr. C. Isabel Julia Veitía Arrieta | Full professor at CEEd |
Member | Dr. C. Nancy Mesa Carpio | Emeritus Professor of the Faculty of Secondary Teacher Education |
Member | Dr. C. Yoandra Cárdenas Rodríguez | Vicedecana de Investigación y Postgrado |
Member Member | Dr. C. Keila Irene Díaz Tejera Dr. C. Loreley María Miguel Hernández | Full professor at Informatics Education Department. Vice Dean for Academic Affairs |
Cayo Santa María | |
Caibarién, VCL | |
Cuba |
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