Workshop “Challenges of Education 2025” "EDUCACIÓN 2025"

Workshop “Challenges of Education 2025”


The Centre for Education Studies (CEEd) ‘Gaspar Jorge García Galló’, the Faculty of Secondary Education and the Faculty of Early Childhood Education (associated with UNESCO), of the Central University ‘Marta Abreu’ of Las Villas (UCLV), an institution of excellence in Higher Education in Cuba, call researchers, academics, managers, teachers, specialists, undergraduate and postgraduate students, Cubans and foreigners, to participate in the IV International Scientific Conference ‘Challenges of Education 2025’ to be held within the framework of the V International Scientific Conference ‘Science and Innovation for Education 2025’, undergraduate and postgraduate students, Cuban and foreign, to participate in the IV International Scientific Conference ‘Challenges of Education 2025’ to be held in the framework of the V International Scientific Conference ‘Science and Innovation for Sustainable Development’ UCLV 2025, on XXX November 2025 in the tourist destination Cayos de Villa Clara, Cuba.
The opportunity can become a moment of special meeting of multidisciplinary character and open to the university, teaching, scientific and research community, to offer visibility to new research, master's and doctoral studies, projects in development, which allow assessing in a space of fraternity, the challenges and prospects of education in pursuit of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  
There will be keynote lectures, workshops, pre-event courses by prestigious national and international specialists, and other activities with a multidisciplinary and intersectoral profile.  Participation will be virtual and face-to-face, through papers and posters, which will facilitate the contribution of the speakers according to their interests, and the event will be adapted to different schedules and personal agendas of the participants.
 Developing a culture of didactic innovation is a challenge for higher education. Making innovative didactics a common practice for teachers requires first an approach and understanding of its characteristics and the factors that act as basic conditions for its implementation. This event aims to become a permanent space for the exchange of innovative educational practices and the socialisation of experiences on student-centred active methodologies supported by technologies and the internationalisation of the curriculum of academic programmes in higher education.
In an increasingly interconnected world, universities have the challenge and the opportunity to be agents of change, building bridges that unite cultures, knowledge and dreams.
In this context, the Central University ‘Marta Abreu’ of Las Villas (UCLV) has the honour to invite academics, scientists, professionals and students of Higher Education to participate in the First International Scientific Workshop ‘Towards Innovative Didactics in Higher Education: DIES-2025’.
This event, which is part of the IV International Scientific Conference ‘Challenges of Education 2025’ in the context of the V International Scientific Convention UCLV 2025, will be a unique space for dialogue, learning, collaboration and coordination of joint efforts on the topics mentioned above.  
DIES-2025 will bring together experts from different parts of the world to share and discuss innovative practices in the teaching and learning process. It will lay the foundations to develop joint projects and produce relevant results in the field of didactic innovations in Higher Education. 
Through keynote lectures, panel discussions, presentations and interactive sessions, we will explore innovative strategies and practices that allow us to train more competent professionals, with innovative character and social responsibility to face the challenges of a globalised world.
In the context of the IV International Scientific Conference ‘Challenges of Education 2025’, the V International Scientific-Methodological Workshop will be held: ‘Doctoral training in Education Sciences. Challenges and Perspectives’.




Dr. C. Lismay Pérez Rodríguez

M. Sc. Joaquín Suárez Salvador

Dra.C. Neibys Lourdes Casdelo Gutiérrez

Dean, Faculty of Early Childhood Education

Dean, Faculty of Secondary Teacher Education

Vice Chancellor for Education


Executive Secretary

Dr. C. Guillermo Soler Rodríguez

Dra. C. Imirsy Valdivia Martínez

Director, CEEd

Professional Training Methodology

Scientific Committee

Dr. C. Tania Hernández Nodarse

Vice Dean for Research and Postgraduate Studies

Platform Coordinator

Dr. C. Walfredo González Hernández

Head, Department of Informatics Education


Executive Secretary

Dr. C. Guillermo Soler Rodríguez

Dra. C. Imirsy Valdivia Martínez

Director of CEEd

Professional Training Methodology


Dr. C. Merling Murguía Moré

Full professor at CEEd


José Julián García Muñoz

Full professor at CEEd


Dr. C. Aida María Torres Alfonso

Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Educational Sciences



Dr. C. Tania Hernández Nodarse

Vice Dean for Research and Postgraduate Studies


Dr. C. Erlena Cruz Hernández

Vice Dean for Academic Affairs


Dr. C. Isabel Julia Veitía Arrieta

Full professor at CEEd


Dr. C. Nancy Mesa Carpio

Emeritus Professor of the Faculty of Secondary Teacher Education


Dr. C. Yoandra Cárdenas Rodríguez

Vicedecana de Investigación y Postgrado



Dr. C. Keila Irene Díaz Tejera

Dr. C. Loreley María Miguel  Hernández

Full professor at Informatics Education Department.

Vice Dean for Academic Affairs


Dr.C Adalberto Portal Camellón

Head, Department of Artistic Education


Dr. C. Ángel Guido Navarro

Director of Professional Praining


Dra. C. Milagros Mederos Piñeiro


Professional Training Methodology


V International Scientific Convention UCLV 2025
Cayo Santa María
Caibarién VCL

Sub events

October 20, 2025
Inicio - 8:00 AM
October 24, 2025
Fin - 5:00 PM Cuba

V International Scientific Convention UCLV 2025

Cayo Santa María
Caibarién VCL 50100

V International Scientific Convention UCLV 2025


Walfredo González Hernández


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