3rd International Symposium "Physical Activity, Sport and Recreation 2023"
This paper is about studied how the judoka operate on the first minute of the combat, and take account as a central concept the way of combat on Judo. On these beginning condition the studied propose affect the central and peripheral scheme for the way of combat, since the trainer account with a conceptual map about the technique-tactic orientation on relation with the association frequency and selection to order the attack and defense concepts. In these sense, used to three descriptors for analyses unit, that design tactic scheme´s judoka in order to several exercises as general as especial and the sequences actions, operation and its relationship about determinate knowledge to do and the well performance of technique. Between methods of empiric level used to documental review, observation, interview, test and evaluation base on the criteria of specialist. In the support of theory method used to different kinds of descriptors by units to determinate since the analyses and synthesis, the induction and deduction, besides the system method on particular of new forms in order to design the individual workout on Judo.
En esta investigación se estudió cómo opera el judoka en el primer minuto de combate, tomándose como concepto central el modo de combatir en Judo. En dichas condiciones iniciales se propone incidir en el esquema central y periférico del modo de combatir, a partir de disponer el entrenador de mapas conceptuales de orientación técnico-táctica en correspondencia con la frecuencia de asociación y el orden de selección de conceptos de ataques y defensa. En este sentido se emplearon tres descriptores por unidades de análisis, que grafican el esquema táctico del judoka en función de series de ejercicios tanto generales como especiales y la secuenciación de acciones, operaciones y sus relaciones en aras de determinar el saber hacer y la calidad de ejecución técnica. Dentro de los métodos del nivel empírico, se emplearon la revisión documental, la observación, la entrevista a los entrenadores, la medición y la evaluación por criterio de especialista. A través, de los métodos del nivel teórico se emplearon varios descriptores por unidades, concebidas a partir del análisis y la síntesis, la inducción y la deducción, así como el método de sistema, en lo particular, de nuevas variantes para el diseño del plan de trabajo individual en Judo.
About The Speaker
Dr. Erik Hernández Solis

Name: Erik Hernández Solis
Current Postal Address: No. 518, on Caridad Street between Jesús Menéndez and Salustiano Pedraza. Raúl Sancho neighborhood, Santa Clara City, Villa Clara
Home telephone: 42290550 Mobile: 58496132 Business telephone: 58496132
E-mail address: ehsolis@uclv.cu
Nationality: Cuban
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Single
Date of Birth: Sept. 28, 1972
Languages: Spanish (mother tongue) and English
EDUCATION: (Educational Qualifications)
• PhD in Science of Phisycal Culture and Sports, Graduate on December, 2014
• Professor of Judo, Black Belt and 3th Dan in Judo, 2004
• Graduate in the Phisycal Culture and Sports College, 1995
CHARGES: (And Postgraduate training)
• Trainer of Judo, Black Belt and 3th Dan in Judo, Santa Clara City, Cuba, Graduated on 1995.
• General Course and Oral Expression in English Language. Course: 1992-1995.
• Technique and Methodological course in order to high-performance on Judo, Havana, 1997.
• Technique and Methodological course in order to Beginner Sport School, since 1998-2004.
• Studies in the PhD “Science of Phisycal Culture and Sports Program” (combat sports), Santa Clara City, Villa Clara, Cuba, since 2005 to 2014.
• Assistant professor, University of Physical Culture Science and Sports, Villa Clara Physical Culture Faculty, 2011.
• Associate professor, Universidad Central ¨Marta Abreu¨ de Las Villas, Physical Culture Faculty, 2015
• General Course in Portuguese Language. Course: 2015-2016.
• Second Chef to the Didactic of Sports Departament, Universidad Central ¨Marta Abreu¨ de Las Villas, Physical Culture Faculty, 2015-2017
• Full professor, Universidad Central ¨Marta Abreu¨ de Las Villas, Physical Culture Faculty, 2017.
• Chef to the Didactic of Sports Departament, Universidad Central ¨Marta Abreu¨ de Las Villas, Physical Culture Faculty, 2018-2019
• Adviser professor on Sucre Mission, Cuba-Venezuela Collaboration, 20 of Julio 2019.
• Head adviser professor on High-Education Mission in Cojedes, Venezuela, since 2019 to 2021.
Current Employment: Universidad Central ¨Marta Abreu¨ de Las Villas, Santa Clara City. 2023. Job duties: To educate new professionals of the Physical Culture and Sports, the goal is to teach different subjects to students in regular courses as: “Basic Judo”; “First and Second Sport as Judo trainer; and to provide knowledge about sport training, teaching Judo techniques and work with methodological aspects on some postgraduate courses from the practical point of view on different combat sports. Other important job duties have been: To participate as jury´s member, as a President, Secretary or Opponent (Outside critic) of jury in order to open the analysis and discussions of research works, ask some questions to the students to clear any doubt about the research process. Other main duties: To be a Tutor of different students in order to talk about and build the students´ behavior during their research process and ask some questions to give some advice or recommendations to improve their research work.