9th International Scientific Conference of Agricultural Development and Sustainability
The objective of the research was to develop alternatives for the agroecological management of woody shrub species in livestock agroecosystems located in two Homogeneous Agro-economic Zones of the Northwest of Córdoba, Argentina. Participatory techniques were used to determining the dominance of shrubs, the importance of the impacts attributed to them, the feasibility of conventional control treatments and the pre-feasibility of the alternatives for its agroecological management. The most dominant woody species were Vachellia caven, Celtis chichape, Senegalia gilliesii, Vachellia astringens, Geoffroea decorticans and Larrea divaricata. Management, profitability, colonization and accessibility are the most important negative impacts for 'productive' actors, while protection, diversity and feeding are the most relevant positive impacts according to 'conservationists'. The feasibility of the control treatments ranged between 0.34 and 0.61, with the higher values for rolling, harrowing and the combination of both. 83.33 % of the agro-ecological management alternatives obtained more than 50 % of the maximum possible value. The existence of multiples beneficial attributes in these species facilitates the implementation of management strategies and the productive use in agroforestal systems. The payment for environmental services, the pruning of the elevation cup, the sequential rotational grazing with cattle and goats, and the commercialization of the products derived from these plants, are the most promising alternatives. It is recommended to undertake actions, technically and economically viable, to implement and evaluate in situ the options identified to promote the agroecological management of the woody shrub species present in the livestock agroecosystems of the Northwest of Córdoba, Argentina.
The objective of the research was to develop alternatives for the agroecological management of woody shrub species in livestock agroecosystems located in two Homogeneous Agro-economic Zones of the Northwest of Córdoba, Argentina. Participatory techniques were used to determining the dominance of shrubs, the importance of the impacts attributed to them, the feasibility of conventional control treatments and the pre-feasibility of the alternatives for its agroecological management. The most dominant woody species were Vachellia caven, Celtis chichape, Senegalia gilliesii, Vachellia astringens, Geoffroea decorticans and Larrea divaricata. Management, profitability, colonization and accessibility are the most important negative impacts for 'productive' actors, while protection, diversity and feeding are the most relevant positive impacts according to 'conservationists'. The feasibility of the control treatments ranged between 0.34 and 0.61, with the higher values for rolling, harrowing and the combination of both. 83.33 % of the agro-ecological management alternatives obtained more than 50 % of the maximum possible value. The existence of multiples beneficial attributes in these species facilitates the implementation of management strategies and the productive use in agroforestal systems. The payment for environmental services, the pruning of the elevation cup, the sequential rotational grazing with cattle and goats, and the commercialization of the products derived from these plants, are the most promising alternatives. It is recommended to undertake actions, technically and economically viable, to implement and evaluate in situ the options identified to promote the agroecological management of the woody shrub species present in the livestock agroecosystems of the Northwest of Córdoba, Argentina.
About The Speaker
Dr. Mario Reinoso Pérez

Profesor e Investigador Titular del Departamento de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas (UCLV), Cuba
ORCID: 0000-0001-5825-6234
Graduado de Ingeniero Pecuario (Zootecnia) en la UCLV, Cuba (1989). Especialista en Nutrición y Manejo de Rumiantes por el Instituto de Ciencia Animal de La Habana (1992). Bachelor of Science en Agricultura Tropical con Especialización en Producción Animal en el “Larenstein” International Agricultural College, Holanda (1998). Diplomado en Sistemas Silvopastoriles por la Estación Experimental de Pastos y Forrajes “Indio Hatuey” de Matanzas, Cuba (1998). Doctorado en Ciencias Veterinarias en la UCLV, Cuba (2000). Coordinador del Grupo de Investigación en Producción Animal de la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias de la UCLV desde 2014. Ha realizado diversos cursos de postgrados en los campos de la Agroecología y la Nutrición y Manejo de Animales Domésticos, con énfasis en Rumiantes. Ponente, Delegado u Observador en más de 30 eventos científicos nacionales e internacionales, desarrollados en Cuba y en el extranjero, relacionados todos con el desarrollo agrario sustentable. Autor de más de más de 30 publicaciones científicas. Su quehacer investigativo ha estado vinculado a la evaluación y validación de sistemas de producción vacuna con bajos insumos y al desarrollo de modelos de producción en armonía con la naturaleza. Ha realizado misiones de estudio y/o trabajo en Holanda, Reino Unido, Sudáfrica, Suiza, Polonia, Kenya, Argentina, Alemania, Dinamarca y México.