Course 28: Communities, heritage and processes of social legitimization from culture

XV International Workshop “Communities: History and Development”

Course 28: Communities, heritage and processes of social legitimization from culture

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COURSE CONTENT: The study of the participation of the bearer communities in the management of historic urban centers reveals the classist condition of cultural heritage. While theoretically it is intended as a representative expression of cultural diversity; Its praxis corroborates it as a social space of struggle for social legitimation. This explains the validity of his analysis for the international context; since the expansion of globalizing and neoliberal policies imposes, from the cultural industry and tourism, homogenizing hegemonic stereotypes that subvert the cultural contents of disadvantaged social groups. The theoretical-methodological link between participation and social appropriation ratifies community heritage appropriation as an expression of an alternative heritage management that allows the empowerment of the community social subject through its accessibility and involvement, in a condition of equity, in the processes of heritageization and activation patrimonial; and contributes to the strengthening of governance and municipal autonomy.

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 Live session of the course: Friday, November 10 | 9 am - 10 am

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Dr.C. Ginley Durán Castellón
Associate Professor. Marta Abreu de Las Villas Central University (UCLV), Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba.
ORCID: 0000-0002-2540-591 

Ginley Durán Castellón (1975). Director of University Heritage and Ceremonials of the Marta Abreu de Las Villas Central University (UCLV). President of the Heritage Network, Museums and University Collections in Cuba. President of the Council for Monumental and Environmental Sculpture in Villa Clara. Coordinator of the research line on Culture, heritage and identity at the Center for Community Studies. President of the XV International Communities Workshop: History and Development of this Institution. He is an Architect, (1997, UCLV). Fernando Salinas González de Mendive Award. Master in Human Settlement Management (CUJAE, 2003). Doctor in Sociological Sciences (UCLV, 2018). Principal Designer of the General Plan for Territorial and Urban Planning of Remedios from 1998 to 2000 and of the General Plan for the Tourist Development of the NE Keys of Villa Clara until 2011. Professor at UCLV since 2002 of Sociology of Art, Urban Design and Urban Sociology . Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Expert for Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Directorate of Houses of Culture in the Province. He is a member of the faculty of the Doctorate in Community Development, and the master's degrees in Community Development and Sustainable Agriculture.


Dra. C. Mely del Rosario González Arósteguif
Associate Professor. Marta Abreu de Las Villas Central University (UCLV), Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba.
ORCID: 0000-0002-3753-9849

Doctor in Philosophical Sciences, July 2000. Professor of Philosophy at the Marta Abreu de las Villas Central University. Master in Latin American Philosophical Thought. Researcher at the Community Studies Center (CEC) of the Faculty of Social Sciences. Tutor of eleven doctoral theses defended between 2005 and 2016, all in the area of Philosophical Sciences. Tutor of several Master's and Degree theses. Coordinator of the Gender and Feminism Studies Group.

Essay Award from Temas 2000 magazine; Essay awards from the América Nuestra Contest of the AUNA, in November 2000 and November 2002; Essay Prize from the Center for Marti Studies, June 2008; Book Contest Prize at the Félix Valera Publishing House, July 2011, for the work The Culture of Resistance in the political thought of the Cuban intelligentsia in the first two decades of the 20th century in Cuba. Award for Greatest Contribution to the Social and Humanistic Sciences of 2013, at the UCLV. Prize of the CLACSO 2017 International Essay Contest with the work The Conflict. Ideology in the founding years of the Cuban Revolution and the dilemma of intellectuals. Coordinator of the Gender and Feminism Studies Group of the CEC, Coordinator of the Berta Cáceres Feminist Network; Coordinator of the Gender Network of the University of Alicante, at the UCLV. Member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences 2016/2022

Dr. C Ray Espinosa Ruiz
Associate Professor. Marta Abreu de Las Villas Central University (UCLV), Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba.
ORCID: 0000-0002-5637-6184

Doctor in Agricultural Sciences. Agricultural engineer. Associate Professor. Member of the Heritage and Ceremonial Directorate of the UCLV. Specialist in Natural, Agrarian and Industrial Heritage. Landscaping Professor. Coordinator of the Master's Program in Sustainable Agriculture and member of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. Expert of the National Accreditation Board.

Dr. C. Joaquín Alonso Freyre
Associate Professor. Marta Abreu de Las Villas Central University, Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba.
ORCID: 0000-0002-8300-4562 

Graduate in Sociology (University of Havana, 1978) Doctor in Philosophical Sciences (1996). Full Professor at the Marta Abreu de Las Villas Central University (UCLV). Associate Scientist at the Cuban Academy of Sciences; member of the scientific committee of the magazines Islas (UCLV) and Santiago (Universidad de Oriente). Carlos J. Finlay Order of Scientific Merit (Decree 69/2020 of the President of the Republic of Cuba). 2021 Annual Award from the Cuban Academy of Sciences for the result Creating participation through communication in times of media challenges; has directed the training of 17 PhD doctors (15 in Sociological Sciences). He researches and publishes on community development, participation, environmental resilience and cultural practices.

V International Scientific Convention UCLV 2025
Hotel Starfish Cayo Santa María
Caibarien, VCL


The registration fee for nationals includes a Certificate of Participation and publication of the best papers in the journals that will sponsor the event.
November 6, 2023
Inicio - 8:30 AM
November 10, 2023
Fin - 5:00 PM Cuba

V International Scientific Convention UCLV 2025

Hotel Starfish Cayo Santa María
Caibarien, VCL 50100

V International Scientific Convention UCLV 2025


Verde Gil Jiménez


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