VII International Conference on Humanistic Studies "CIESHUM 2025"

VII International Conference on Humanistic Studies


The Faculty of Humanities of the “Marta Abreu” Central University of Las Villas, an institution of Excellence in Higher Education in Cuba, calls for the VII International Conference on Humanistic Studies (CIESHUM), which will be held within the framework of the International Scientific Conference on Science, Technology and Society, UCLV 2025.
National and foreign researchers, academics, teachers and students involved in science and innovation activities will be able to participate. The objective will be to exchange scientific and academic criteria and promote the integration of various spheres of humanistic knowledge, disseminate positive experiences and evaluate the challenges and perspectives in the areas of language studies, foreign language teaching, art and literature, communication and media practices.
We will have the presentation of keynote lectures by experts of recognized international and national prestige. In addition, other collateral scientific activities will take place in order to generate spaces for exchange and collaboration between academic and business sectors and institutions.
There will also be a virtual participation option, which will facilitate, through the platform, the live transmission of activities that will be specified in the event program.
The meeting will take place from October 20 to 24, 2025, in the tourist destination of Cayos de Villa Clara, Cuba.

Organizing Committee
President: Dr. C. Mario Alejandro Martínez Méndez
Secretary: M. Sc. Delvis Pacheco Placencia
President of the Scientific Committee: Dr. C. Madeleyne Bermúdez Sánchez

Important dates:
• Submission of abstracts: from January 12 to July 31.
• Submission of papers until September 30 if the abstract is accepted.

Presentation of works:
The works must be submitted in Word files for Windows, written in Arial font, 12 points, single-spaced, letter size (8 ½ x 11 or 21.59 cm. x 27.94 cm.) and 2.5 cm. margins on each side. The alignment of the paragraphs is justified and the maximum length of the works is 10 pages (including the annexes).

Format of the works:
- Title (in capital letters and no more than 15 words).
- Symposium and workshop for which the work is proposed:
- Author and co-authors (no more than three) with their email addresses.
- Institution and country for authors and co-authors (if they have positions in the institution they must clarify this, for example if they are Head of Department, Dean, Vice-Chancellor or Rector and if they have a scientific degree of Master or Doctor).
- Summary of the work (maximum length of 250 words).
- Keywords.
- Text of the work (it must have an introduction where the objectives of the work are clearly specified, the development grouped into sections, the conclusions, the bibliographical references arranged in alphabetical order of the surname of the main author and indicating the year of publication below. These references will be indicated in the text of the work by placing the surname of the authors in parentheses, separated by a comma and the year of publication, putting the page if it is a textual quote, and if there are more than three authors, only the surname of the first author is put with the phrase “and others”. Also, the appendices, where the tables and figures appear).

Languages of the works. The works can be written in Spanish, English or Portuguese. The title, the summary and the keywords will be in the same language as the work, but in the cases of Spanish and Portuguese the translation into English must be added. Approval of the work will be subject to compliance with the following indicators of scientific rigor:
- That it responds to a current topic, recognized by the scientific community.
- Use of current bibliographical references and recognized authors on the subject.
- Use of clear, precise language and using scientific knowledge.
- Contribution of the work to the enrichment of the theory and practice of the subject in question.
- Level of application and generalization of the results of the work, if any.
- Theoretical, methodological and practical significance of the work.

Events at all levels will be structured according to the Workshops, which are set out below:
Workshop I: Theoretical, descriptive and applied studies of language and discourse
Responsible: MSc. Adriana Pedrosa Ramírez

Workshop II: Art and literature in the contemporary cultural context
Responsible: Dr. C. Ana Iris Díaz Martínez

Workshop III: Management of information and communication in contemporary societies
Responsible: Dr. C. Grettel Rodríguez Bazán

Workshop IV: Language teaching and development of competencies in the educational field
Responsible: Dr. C. Darlén Méndez Lloret

V International Scientific Convention UCLV 2025
Cayo Santa María
Caibarién, VCL
October 20, 2025
Inicio - 8:00 AM
October 24, 2025
Fin - 5:00 PM Cuba

V International Scientific Convention UCLV 2025

Cayo Santa María
Caibarién, VCL 50100

V International Scientific Convention UCLV 2025


Delvis Pacheco


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