10th International Conference of Mechanical Engineering
COMEC 2019
Since the dawn of civilization, wood has been used in the manufacture of furniture, civil construction, finishes and coatings. Due to the variation of their properties, which depend on genetic and environmental aspects, some of the species present in the northeastern region of Brazil are still not cataloged or do not have reliable data. However, for an economically attractive and safe application, it is necessary to know its mechanical behavior. The objective of this study was to determine the mechanical properties of Algaroba (Prosopis juliflora) found in the semi-arid climate of the São Francisco Valley, through the mechanical tests of parallel and perpendicular compression to the fibers, static flexion, parallel traction, parallel shear , Janka hardness and twist. In addition, to designate applicabilities for the wood, since it is an exotic invasive species that is in abundance in the region and that has facility to develop in dry climates. A tree, aged approximately 15 years, was collected in the city of Juazeiro-BA for the preparation of 6 specimens for each test, according to dimensions defined in NBR 7190 and COPANT 555. The results were satisfactory , since in spite of being slightly below, they are close to those found in other studies, which strengthens the data base on the species. It is concluded that the species is applicable in construction and furniture manufacture, and that it has efficient use as much as species such as Angelim (Dinizia excelsa), Cumaru (Dipteryx odorata), Ipê (Tabebuia serratifolia) and Muiracatiara (Astronium lecointei)
Since the dawn of civilization, wood has been used in the manufacture of furniture, civil construction, finishes and coatings. Due to the variation of their properties, which depend on genetic and environmental aspects, some of the species present in the northeastern region of Brazil are still not cataloged or do not have reliable data. However, for an economically attractive and safe application, it is necessary to know its mechanical behavior. The objective of this study was to determine the mechanical properties of Algaroba (Prosopis juliflora) found in the semi-arid climate of the São Francisco Valley, through the mechanical tests of parallel and perpendicular compression to the fibers, static flexion, parallel traction, parallel shear , Janka hardness and twist. In addition, to designate applicabilities for the wood, since it is an exotic invasive species that is in abundance in the region and that has facility to develop in dry climates. A tree, aged approximately 15 years, was collected in the city of Juazeiro-BA for the preparation of 6 specimens for each test, according to dimensions defined in NBR 7190 and COPANT 555. The results were satisfactory , since in spite of being slightly below, they are close to those found in other studies, which strengthens the data base on the species. It is concluded that the species is applicable in construction and furniture manufacture, and that it has efficient use as much as species such as Angelim (Dinizia excelsa), Cumaru (Dipteryx odorata), Ipê (Tabebuia serratifolia) and Muiracatiara (Astronium lecointei)
About The Speaker
Bernardo Sampaio Matos