XI International Scientific Conference on Agricultural Development and Sustainability
ANNOUNCEMENT The Organizing and Scientific Committees of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the "Marta Abreu" Central University of Las Villas (UCLV), invite high-level specialists and students, Cuban and foreign, to participate in the XI International Scientific Conference on Agricultural Development and Sustainability AGROCENTRO 2025, within the framework of the 5th International Scientific Convention UCLV 2025, to be held from October 20 to 24, 2025 in the tourist destination of the Villa Clara Keys: Santa María Starfish, Cuba. A fruitful exchange will be promoted between specialists from the most diverse parts of the world on highly topical and important issues, which will be addressed with the greatest scientific-academic rigor and with a vision of the future that allows to advantageously face the problems of the current century. OBJECTIVES To stimulate the exchange between professionals, scientists, technicians, producers, entrepreneurs, government representatives, international organizations and the general public, interested in researching and promoting topics that contribute to sustainable agricultural development and socializing the results. THEMATIC LINES 1. Sustainable plant production, soils, environmental impact and agricultural education.2. Ecological pest management, biological control and allelopathy in agriculture.3. Animal production technologies, genetics, diagnosis and disease control.4. Agricultural engineering, irrigation and drainage, precision agriculture, energy and post-harvest.5. Food sovereignty, rural community, local development and gender approach.6. Methods, techniques and tools for ecological restoration, role of Botanical Gardens. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS AND REGISTRATION APPLICATIONS Receipt of abstracts and presentations: until September 15, 2025 Confirmation of acceptance of papers: September 30, 2025 Final delivery of papers: October 6, 2025 Papers and abstracts will be sent to: https://convencion.uclv.cu PRESIDENT OF THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Dr. C. Arahis Cruz Limonte (Dean: arahiscl@uclv.edu.cu PRESIDENT OF THE SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Dr. C. Ahmed Chacón Iznaga (Vice Dean: ahmedci@uclv.edu.cu) EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Msc. Héctor Pablo Hernández Arboláez (hectorha@uclv.edu.cu) COORDINATOR OF THE PLATFORM Lic. Reiniedys Álvarez Sánchez (ralvarez@uclv.edu.cu) MEMBERS Dr.C. Arahis Cruz Limonte (Dean: arahiscl@uclv.edu.cu Dra. C. Edith Aguila Alcantara (editha@uclv.edu.cu) Dr. C. Orelvis Portal Villafaña (orelvispv@uclv.cu) Dr. C. Ubaldo Alvarez Hernandez (ubaldoah@uclv.edu.cu) Dr. C. Pedro de la Fé Rodriguez (pedrodlfr@uclv.edu.cu) Dr. C. Laura Garcia Pedraza (lgpedraza@uclv.edu.cu) Dr. C. Idelfonso Castaneda Noa (idelfosocn@uclv.edu.cu)
Cayo Santa María | |
Caibarién, VCL | |
Cuba |
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