13rd Colloquium on structural analysis, design and monitoring

13rd International Symposium on Structures, Geotechnics and Construction Materials

13rd Colloquium on structural analysis, design and monitoring

Main Lines of Research in Earthquake Resistant Engineering
Main Lines of Research in Earthquake Resistant Engineering


A compendium of the main lines of research in earthquake-resistant engineering is presented, including the advances and challenges at the present time. Among them, the following are highlighted: 1) Statistical Methods (Probabilistic), 2) Soil-Structure Interaction, 3) Non-Linearity, 4) Spatial Work and Multiple Components of the seismic action.


Se presenta un compendio de las principales líneas de investigación en ingeniería sismorresistente, incluyendo los avances y retos al momento actual. Entre ellas se destacan: 1) Métodos Estadísticos (Probabilísticos), 2) Interacción Suelo-Estructura, 3) No-Linealidad, 4) Trabajo Espacial y Múltiples Componentes de la acción sísmica.

About The Speaker

Genner Villarreal Castro

Ph. D. Genner Villarreal Castro

USMP Flag of Peru


Practical Info
Spanish / Español
November 17, 2023 10:45 AM
45 minutes
Sala Polivalente A
Ph. D. Genner Villarreal Castro