XV International Workshop “Communities: History and Development”
Humanity with the passing of time and the advances in social, economic and environmental development, as well as the development linked to the rise of large companies and transnationals worldwide, has been subject to certain deterioration in the environment and in the lives of people, while workers and entrepreneurs were only concerned about producing at any cost, they were only interested in their company to get ahead and to balance the accounts at the end of the month, regardless of the damage that their excessive actions caused both for nature and for society; All these reasons have shown mankind the need to create suitable ways to preserve the environment in human societies and civilizations, which has given rise to the so-called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
CSR has its origin since the beginning of human civilizations from the moral point of view as a way to carry out effective financial operations and it is not until the middle of the 20th century that CSR materializes in a more thoughtful and conscious way in the USA, a time when businessmen not only seek to maximize economic benefits, but try to make them compatible with taking into account respect for the environment, workers and society, thus maintaining a good public image of the companies.
CSR is a way of managing companies based on managing the impact of their business activities on their customers, employees, shareholders, local communities, the environment and society in general
La humanidad con el decursar del tiempo y los avances en el desarrollo social, económico, medioambiental, así como el desarrollo vinculado con el auge de las grandes empresas y transnacionales a nivel mundial, ha sido objeto de cierto deterioro en el Medio Ambiente y en la vida de las personas, en tanto los trabajadores y empresarios solo se preocupaban por producir al costo que fuera, solamente les interesaba que su empresa saliera adelante y que las cuentas cuadren a fin de mes, sin importar el perjuicio que con su actuar desmesurado causaren tanto para la naturaleza como para la sociedad; razones todas que han demostrado a la humanidad la necesidad de crear vías idóneas para preservar el entorno en los sociedades y civilizaciones humanas, lo cual ha dado al traste con la llamada Responsabilidad Social Corporativa(RSC).
Las RSC es una forma de dirigir las empresas basado en la gestión de los impactos que su actividad empresarial genera sobre sus clientes, empleados, accionistas, comunidades locales, medioambiente y la sociedad en general.
En Cuba se llevan a cabo acciones en los diferentes actores económicos con la finalidad de poner en marcha la efectividad de la RSC lo cual se manifiesta en las regulaciones jurídicas de las Cooperativas y de las MPYMES.
About The Speaker
Surelys Valdés Díaz
