XX International Symposium of Electrical Engineering "SIE 2023"

XX International Symposium of Electrical Engineering

SIE 2023

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The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, within the framework of the IV International Scientific Convention of the UCLV, is pleased to invite you to participate in the XX edition of the International Symposium on Electrical Engineering (SIE 2023), to be held from November 13 to 17, 2023 in in-person modality in the tourist destinations of Cayo Santa María and in virtual modality, under the motto “The university-business link in science, innovation and sustainable development”

The objective of the event is to promote the exchange between specialists, professionals, researchers, managers, and students from various countries, on current scientific and innovative technological topics, related to the branches of knowledge of Electrical, Automatic, Electronic, Biomedical and Engineering Engineering. Telecommunications.

Within the framework of the convention, keynote conferences, round tables, virtual posters, pre-congress courses, virtual exhibitions, product promotions of the co-sponsoring companies, interactive forums, promotional videos, virtual fairs of technologies, products, services, and solutions will be held. engineering and business innovation.

Master Conference

Super-resolution of magnetic resonance images acquired under clinical protocols YouTube 

Dr.  Maria Valdes Hernandez

University of Edinburgh, Gran Bretaña.

 Profesional Profile Link 

Photon-counting CT: initial clinical results e new developments

Dr.  Renata Longo

Universidad de Trieste e INFN, Italia.

 Profesional Profile Link 

Challenge-based learning as a basis for large-scale serious games around transformations to a sustainable society

Dr. Ola Leifler 

Universidad de Linköping, Suecia

 Profesional Profile Link 

Cursos Pre-Evento

Digital Transformation and Educational Innovation

Dr. C. José Abreu García; Dr. C. Erik Ortiz Guerra

  • Educational Digital Transformation

  • Aprendizaje Centrado en el Estudiante

  • Main Methodologies for Centered Learning in Engineering Students

Computer Aided Electronic Design

Dr. C. Miguel Mendoza Reyes, M.Sc. Irina Siles Siles

  • Editing of electronic diagrams

  • Scheme Post-Processing

  • Simulation of electronic systems

  • Edition of printed circuits

  • Generation of information for the manufacture of printed circuits


Transmission, Distribution and efficient use of Electric Power
Automation, robotics, and IoT based on technical-productive and social processes
Digital Transformation in the training and improvement of engineers
Electronics and telecommunications in the digital transformation of the society and the business sector

Transmission, Distribution and efficient use of Electric Power

Coordinador: Dr. C. Ignacio Pérez Abril.
Correo: iperez@uclv.edu.cu 

Electrical Machines and Drives, Electrical Power Systems and Distribution Networks, Electrical Protections, Energy Quality, Renewable Energy Systems, Smart Grids, High Voltage Techniques and Electrical Insulation, Industrial Electrical Installations.

Automation, robotics, and IoT based on technical-productive and social processes

Coordinador: Dr. C. Alain Martinez Laguardia
Correo: amguardia@uclv.edu.cu 

Industrial and Biomedical Instrumentation. Measurement and Control Systems. Metrology. Control Theory and Methods. Optimization. Installation Energy, Home Automation, Robotics and Mechatronics, Intelligent Control, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Industrial computing. Algorithms, software and hardware for computer vision. Digital techniques for the processing and analysis of images and signals. Artificial Intelligence for image diagnosis and automation. Transmission, co-registration, compression and optimization of images and digital signals. Pattern recognition in signs and images. Biomedical equipment quality control. Biomedical Applications. 

Digital Transformation in the training and improvement of engineers

Coordinador: Dr. C. José R. Abreu García.
Correo: abreu@uclv.edu.cu 

Use of digital communication technologies in the teaching and educational process focused on innovation. Creation and implementation of knowledge management services in Higher Education. Digital Transformation and Student-Centered Teaching-Learning Methodologies. Flipped Classroom, Telecollaboration, Project-Based Learning, Collaborative Learning and Problem-Based Learning 

Electronics and telecommunications in the digital transformation of the society and the business sector

Coordinador: Dr. C. Félix Álvarez Paliza.
Correo: fapaliza@uclv.edu.cu 

Digital transformation in telecommunications and its driving technologies: Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence, Edge Computing, Block Chains, Cybersecurity and Broadband Digital Connectivity. Software Defined Networks, Network Function Virtualization, Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks (Wi-Fi 6, Advanced LTE and 5G), Radio Cognitive Networks, Access and Optical Transport Networks. Radiopropagation, Antennas, Satellite Communications. Electronic Instrumentation, Embedded Systems and SoC, FPGA, Arduino, Digital Signal Processing (Audio and video) and Digital Terrestrial Television.


Los trabajos se subirán a la web del evento “UCLV 2023”, en formato PDF , fuente Times New Roman No.12, alineación justificada, tamaño carta, espaciado de 1.5 líneas, margen 2.5 cm en ambos lados. Los trabajos no pueden exceder las 15 paginas incluyendo tablas, figuras y anexos. Las planitllas están disponibles en la web oficial de la convención y en el sitio web del evento: http://sie.uclv.edu.cu. Los trabajos presentados podrán publicarse atendiendo a su calidad en las siguientes revistas:


Dr. C. Yunier Valeriano Medina 
Secretario Ejecutivo:
Dr. C. Erik Ortiz Guerra 
Coordinador de Plataforma:
Ing. Dariel Reyes Morel 
Dr. C. Ignacio Pérez Abril.
Dr. C. Alain Martinez Laguardia
Dr. C. José R. Abreu García.
Dr. C. Félix Álvarez Paliza.

 Comité Científico

Presidente: Dr. C. Eduardo Izaguirre C. (President, UCLV).

Dr. C. Vitalio Alfonso Reguera (Universidad Tecnológica del Uruguay, Uruguay)

Dr. C. Maria del Carmen Valdés Hernández (Universidad de Edinburgh, Reino Unido)

Dr. C. Renata Longo (Universidad de Trieste e INFN, Italia)

Dr. C. Olivier Schalm (Universidad de Antwerpen, Belgica)

Dr. C. Jandecy Cabral Leite (Instituto de Tecnología y Educación Galileo de la Amazonía)
Dr. C. Orestes Llanes Santiago. (Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana, Cuba).

Dr. C. Luis Hernández Santana (UCLV).
Dr. C. Rubén Orozco Morales (UCLV, Cuba).

Dra. C. Marlen Pérez Díaz (UCLV).

Dr. C. Francisco Herrera Fernandez (UCLV).

Vea nuestra relatoría aquí

Hotel Grand Memories Cayo Santa María
Cayo Santa María
Cayos de Villa Clara VCL

Sub events

November 13, 2023
Inicio - 8:30 AM
November 15, 2023
Fin - 5:00 PM Cuba

Hotel Grand Memories Cayo Santa María

Cayo Santa María
Cayos de Villa Clara VCL
--Hotel Grand Memories Cayo Santa María--

V International Scientific Convention UCLV 2025


Dariel Reyes Morel


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