Relatoría - V Conferencia Internacional: "Desafíos del Derecho en el Siglo XXI" "IUS XXI 2023"

Name of the Event: V International Conference: "Challenges of Law in the 21st Century" "IUS XXI 2023"


The event was convened by the Law Department of the Central University "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas, within the framework of the International Scientific Conference of the UCLV. It was held from November 13 to 17, 2023 at the Meliá Paradisus Hotel, Cayo Santa María de Villa Clara, Cuba.

It had the Gold Sponsorship of the International Legal Consultancy - Villa Clara Branch - and the Silver Sponsorship by the Sociedad Unipersonal de Responsabilidad Limitada ANTENAS S.U.R.L. (Limited Liability Sole Proprietorship Company).

The debates organized as a Workshop were moderated by Dr. C. Yanelys Delgado Triana, Dr. C. Jaime G. García Ruiz, Dr. C. Zahira Ojeda Bello, Dr. C. Alexander Martínez Castellanos and Dr. C. Jorge Luis Barroso González.

The International Legal Conference "Challenges of Law in the 21st Century" IUS XXI, has been a space for scientific and academic exchange since it was first held. Over the years, representatives from more than 11 countries and 15 universities have participated in it. In this year 2023, topics that are pressing for contemporary law were discussed. At the international level, the Sustainable Development Goals or Agenda 2030, a document that transnversalizes each of the works that were presented at the conference, occupies a primordial place. At the same time, the effects of the pandemic period are palpable and, as if that were not enough, we are immersed in a global economic crisis. On the other hand, the winds of war are blowing through Europe and the Middle East, and the greatest empire humanity has ever known is determined to undermine any process that is antagonistic to its interests.  At the domestic level, we cannot fail to mention the updating of the Cuban economic and social model, which has been reflected in the substantive, procedural and organic reforms of the national legal system, something unprecedented in the country's history, so that spaces such as the one we are developing are essential to join efforts to achieve the development of the largest of the Antilles.

The objective of the event was to promote scientific exchange and strengthen ties between researchers and academics of the Ius-philosophical world, in pursuit of a more sustainable future.



Date: 13/11/2023 

The accreditation of the Delegates at the UCLV and the Inauguration of the IV International Scientific Conference of the UCLV 2023 took place.

 Date: 14/11/2023 

The conclave began its work in virtual mode with the presentation of 14 papers. Throughout the morning, presentations were given by Anderson O.C. Lobato, RS State Office of the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Family Agriculture (Brazil); Juan Gerardo Ávila Urdaneta and Marily Rafaela Fuentes Águila, Metropolitan University (Ecuador); Carlos Eduardo Durán Chávez and Edison Israel López Alarcón Metropolitan University (Ecuador); Aurora Díaz de Perales Metropolitan University (Ecuador); Jorge Darío Salinas Metropolitan University (Ecuador); Silvia Zambrano Noles Provincial Court of Justice El Oro (Ecuador); Mateus Miguel Oliveira Universidad Federal Fluminense (Brazil); Maria Claudia Crespo Brauner Universidad Federal de Rio Grande (Brazil); Ailor Carlos Brandelli, lawyer (Brazil); Ignacio Alfredo Fontana Universidad Federal de Rio Grande (Brazil); Gioia Arnone Universidad Libre de Bruselas (Belgium); Bruno Vilar Dugacseck, Dandara Trentin Demiranda and Vitor Prestes Olinto Universidad Federal de Rio Grande (Brazil). Once the speakers finished, a lively debate ensued, which set the tone for the work agenda to come.

Date: 15/11/2023

On the afternoon of November 15, 2023, the in-person sessions began, starting with welcoming remarks by Dr. C. Yanelys Delgado Triana, president of the Organizing Committee.

Afterwards, Professor Benjamín Rivaya, from the University of Oviedo, delighted those present with his master lecture "Law and Cinema". Listening to the Spanish professor was a real treat because in a pleasant way he illustrated how the seventh art can be used in the teaching of the different branches that make up the Law.

On the same day, the III Workshop on Public Policy and Law was held, moderated by Dr. C. Jaime García Ruiz. Five panelists were present: André Noel Roth, professor at the National University of Colombia with his lecture "Public Policies in contexts of complexity: Democratic Devices and Legal Adaptations"; Dennis Plane from Juniata College (United States) and Alejandro Francisco Herrán Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas (Mexico), spoke on "Authoritarianism, ideology, partisanship and support for anti-democratic policies promoted by U.S. and Mexican politicians"; Edgardo Romero of the UCLV assessed the "Legal situation for the work for public policies in Cuba today"; the Brazilian friend Carlos Roberto Da Silva Machado of the University of Rio Grande addressed the topic "Human Rights for all humans" and his fellow countryman José Ricardo Caetano gave his considerations on "The ways for comprehensive protection in Brazil". In general, the relationship between public policies coherent with the development of the Law was discussed; the linguistic skills of the audience were put to the test as the lectures were given in English and Portuguese and a rich debate was generated with five interventions.

Date: 16/11/2023

The sessions on November 16 began with the First Workshop on Cessation of Violence against Women and Children. Right of Families moderated by Dr. C. Zahira Ojeda Bello, who zealously watched over the time of the panelists. It was a pleasure to have four interventions: the UCLV professor Yisel Muñoz illustrated on "The critical route and protocols for the action and protection of women in situations of violence"; in a virtual way Yana Jaspers of the Free University of Brussels (Belgium) addressed the "Violence against children: A European perspective", Spanish friend Juan Ferreiro from the University of Oviedo (Spain) addressed the topic of "Same-sex marriage in Spain", and from the Federal University of Rio Grande (Brazil) Daiani Modernel abounded on "Child labor accidents in Brazil". The panel ended with an abundant debate that demonstrated the topicality of the topics discussed, emphasizing the need to raise the legal culture of our citizenship.

This was followed by the II Workshop on Economic and Cooperative Law moderated by Dr. C. Alexander Martínez Castellanos. From Brazil, Professor Leonardo de Souza from the Catholic University of Paraná made those present reflect on "The concept of cooperative cyberspace"; Yulier Campos from the UCLV spoke about "The contributions of members as a source of financing to the patrimony of cooperatives" and the lawyer from Villaclareño Pedro Pablo González captured everyone's attention when he illustrated on "Due Diligence service contracts for commercial companies in Cuba". Listening to the speakers was a luxury because it was possible to understand how the cooperative phenomenon should be gaining ground in Cuban law. Furthermore, the debate was heated when it came to assessing the role to be played by the dissimilar economic actors that converge in Cuba.

To conclude the work on the morning of November 16, it was the turn of the III Workshop on the Right to Energy moderated by Dr. C. Yanelys Delgado Triana, a space that united the technical sciences with the social sciences as it was developed jointly by IUS XXI and the International Conference on Sustainable Energy Development (CIDES). Three speakers were present: Manuela Azucena Escobedo from the National Autonomous University of Mexico spoke on "The integration of Mexican energy efficiency standards"; Rancés Montes, an official of MINEM brought up the "Updating of the Energy Policy in Cuba" and Daniel Antonio Quiroga Fernández from the Sugar Contractor Company spoke on "The implementation of standards for the use of biomass in Cuba". UCLV professors and doctoral students of the Free University of Brussels Jorge Freddy Milián Gómez and José Gabriel Luis Córdova on-line gave their impressions on "The evolution of the right to energy in Latin America" and how "energy and food are pillars of our human rights". In general, the need to combine knowledge to achieve sustainable energy development in Cuba was demonstrated, which must necessarily start from the recognition of the right to energy as a fundamental right in the Magna Carta, the basis for the complementary rules to gain in synergy and coherence.

Late in the afternoon the I Workshop on Restorative Justice and treatment of Crime coordinated by Dr. C. Jorge Luis Barroso, brought together scholars of Criminal Law and Criminology: Ivo Aersten from the Free University of Brussels (Belgium) focused on the phenomenon of "Restorative Justice as a means to address crime in an integral way"; the Colombian from the National University Andrés Parrado dealt with "Restorative Justice from the processes of coexistence"; in turn Professor Barroso outlined the "Legal Bases for Restorative Justice in Cuba" and Amanda Pérez Bécquer from the UCLV closed with her paper the "Community as an agent of social control and its participation in community restorative practices". The panelists highlighted how traditional justice systems must be decongested towards alternative forms of conflict resolution.

Finally, the day ended with the Academy-Legal Practice Meeting, a space that showed once again how university academics and practicing jurists should generate bilateral feedback.


On the morning of November 17, the curtains of IUS XXI 2023 were opened with the Closing Ceremony and each of the panelists who demonstrated their knowledge during these five days were recognized. An effusive applause was given as a form of recognition to the Organizing Committee for its excellent work and the invitation to participate in future editions of the International Legal Conference "Challenges of Law in the 21st Century" was left open.

In general, the IUS XXI had 142 papers accepted, all of them with great scientific rigor, enriching the philosophical ius of the most central house of high studies in Cuba. It is the opinion of the organizers that all the objectives have been met and a magnificent debate was generated in order to be able to face the challenges imposed by the XXI Century from the Law.
Estadísticas Diarias
13/11 14/11 15/11 16/11 17/11 Total
Inauguration and Accreditation
Closing ceremony
Ponencias Presenciales
Ponencias virtuales
Posters presenciales
Poster Virtuales
No. Participantes nacionales

No. Participantes internacionales
