Workshop 1: Theoretical, descriptive and applied studies of languages in the contemporary social context

6th International Conference on Humanistic Studies 2023

Workshop 1: Theoretical, descriptive and applied studies of languages in the contemporary social context

Study of the lexicon used in documents of the war of independence of the central Cuban region


Within the HISDELE project, in the last four years, progress has been made in the analysis of documents from the wars of independence of the western, central and eastern regions, with special attention to the lexical level. In this case, two memoir texts from the war in the central-eastern region are studied with the aim of collecting vocabulary related to the wars of independence. The most significant results are concentrated in the peculiar voices that allude to the geographical settings, weapons, food and the actors of the war.


Dentro del proyecto HISDELE en los últimos cuatro años se ha avanzado en el análisis de documentos de las guerras de independencia de las regiones occidental, central y oriental, con especial atención al nivel léxico. En este caso, se estudian dos textos de memorias de la contienda bélica de la región centro-oriental con el objetivo de acopiar el vocabulario relativo a las guerras de independencia. Los resultados más significativos se concentran en las voces peculiares que aluden a los escenarios geográficos, las armas, la alimentación y los actores de la guerra.

About The Speaker

Alexander Puente Hernández

Alexander Puente Hernández

Universidad de La Habana Flag of Cuba


Practical Info
Mesa Redonda
Spanish / Español
November 14, 2023 9:0 AM
15 minutes
Sala 1 (CIESHUM)
Alexander Puente Hernández
guerra de independencia
war of independence