5th International Conference: 'Challenges of Law in the 21st Century'
IusXXI 2023
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Tuesday 14November 2023
VIRTUAL PRESENTATIONSDra. C. Yanelys Delgado TrianaTHE RIGHT TO HEALTH: THEORETICAL-LEGAL FOUNDATIONSRamón Alberto Ortiz Carrodeguasabortion not punishable; protection of the right to life from conception; sentence no. 34-19-in/21 and accumulated issued by the constitutional court of ecuador. aborto no punible; protección del derecho a la vida desde la concepción; sentencia n° 34-19-in/21 y acumulados expedida por la corte constitucional del ecuador.Unveiling the Nexus: International Economic Sanctions and Their Influence on Global Food SecurityJorge Freddy Milián Gómezinternational economic sanctions; global food security; geopolitical strategies; trade and financial channels; human right to food; humanitarian implications sanciones económicas internacionales; seguridad alimentaria global; estrategias geopolíticas; comercio y canales financieros; derecho humano a la alimentación; implicaciones humanitariasDiscussionDra. C. Yanelys Delgado Triana -
Wednesday 15November 2023
Departure of national participants from Santa Clara to HotelHotel Meliã ParadisusDeparture of national participants from UCLV to HotelHotel Meliã ParadisusArrival at the hotel and check-inHotel Meliã ParadisusLunchHotel Meliã ParadisusOfficial Inauguration IUS XXIDra. C. Yanelys Delgado TrianaInaugural Speaker PresentationDra. C. Mirtha A del Río HernándezIII WORKSHOP PUBLIC POLICIES AND LAWDr. Jaime Gabriel Garcia RuizPresentation of the WorkshopJaime G. García Ruíz"The legal context for public policy work in Cuba today"Dr. Edgardo R. Romero FernándezThe road to comprehensive insurance protection in BrazilDr. José Ricardo Caetano CostaDiscussionDr. Jaime Gabriel Garcia RuizAccess to rooms at the Meliá Paradisus HotelHotel Meliã Paradisus -
Thursday 16November 2023
Presentation of the WorkshopZahira Ojeda Bello"Critical route and protocols for the care and protection of women in situations of violence"Dr. Yisel Muñoz AlfonsoViolence Against Children: A European PerspectiveYana JaspersDiscussionZahira Ojeda BelloPresentation of WorkshopAlexander Martinez CastellanosII WORKSHOP ON ECONOMIC AND COOPERATIVE LAWAlexander Martinez CastellanosDiscussionAlexander Martinez CastellanosIII WORKSHOP ON THE RIGHT TO ENERGY. IUS XXI-CIDESDra. C. Yanelys Delgado TrianaPresentation of WorkshopDra. C. Yanelys Delgado Triana"Integration of official mexican energy efficiency standards into state and municipal building regulations"Dra. Manuela Azucena Escobedo IzquierdoUpdate on Energy Policy in CubaRancés Montes CalzadillaImplementation of the norms for the use of biomass in CubaDaniel Antonio Quiroga FernándezEmpowering the future: food and energy, two pillars of our human rightsMsC. Jorge Freddy Milián GómezDiscussionDra. C. Yanelys Delgado TrianaLunchHotel Meliã ParadisusPresentation of the WorkshopDr. Jorge Luis Barroso GonzálezI WORKSHOP ON RESTORATIVE JUSTICE AND CRIME TREATMENTDr. Jorge Luis Barroso GonzálezRestorative justice as a means to deal with crime in a holistic mannerPh. D. Ivo AertsenDiscussionDr. Jorge Luis Barroso GonzálezLegal Practice-Academy MeetingDra. C. Yanelys Delgado Triana -
Friday 17November 2023
Closing Ceremony of IUS XXIDra. C. Yanelys Delgado TrianaExchange: Challenges of Law in International CollaborationDra. C. Yanelys Delgado TrianaRoom delivery and check out at the front deskHotel Meliã ParadisusDeparture from Meliá Paradisus HotelHotel Meliã Paradisus