XV International Workshop “Communities: History and Development”
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Monday 13November 2023
Welcome to the Communities Workshop 2023CEC: Comunidades 2023STRATEGIC PROGRAM FOR GRASSROOTS ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION TO ADDRESS CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE RÍO BLANCO COMMUNITYAida Guadalupe Sanchez SantamaríaEcosocialism beyond utopia: potentialities of a critical Environmental Education from belowAna Furlong AntochevisUniversity cultural heritage and social responsability. Essential SynergiesAlina Jimenez MorejónProposal for an Interpretation Center for heritage management in San Juan de los Remedios.Shirley Luray Thompson LlorenteParticipation in the communication of cultural heritage in the media field as an emancipatory alternative for social changeMaile Hernandezcommunication for social change comunicación para el cambio social cultural heritage latin american critical paradigm media medios de comunicación paradigma crítico latinoamericano participación en la comunicación del patrimonio cultural participation in the communication of cultural heritage patrimonio cultural -
Tuesday 14November 2023
Ampliación de Terrazas, a legacy of the Modern Movement that deserves to endureJorge Alberto Drago OrtizOnline exchange with Dr. C Juan Bello DominguezCEC: Comunidades 2023Family, cell of societies in the worldLaura Berrios VillafuerteOnline exchange with researcher Laura Berrios VillafuerteCEC: Comunidades 2023 -
Wednesday 15November 2023
Thursday 16November 2023
WORKSHOP: COMMUNITY RESILIENCE AND CLIMATE CHANGECEC: Comunidades 2023WORKSHOP: GENDER AND SOCIAL JUSTICECEC: Comunidades 2023Governance and Social WorkMarta Elena Feitó CabreraExecutive Meeting with the Minister of Labor and Social SecurityCEC: Comunidades 2023