International Symposium Industry
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Thursday 25November 2021
Fitness-for-service assessment of a steam boiler domeDr. Jorge Luis Guerra ÁlvarezPreliminary study of the air quality of the Santa Clara city using advanced technologiesJudit García GonzálezInventory planning study in the truck area of the railway companyIng. Juan Lázaro Acosta PrietoDesign of a hot gas generator for an agro-industrial plantYaniel Garcia LovellaEvaluation of the use of fish viscera silage in animal feedIsabel Cabrera Estrada -
Friday 26November 2021
Occupational risk management in a workplace cash hander at ETECSAIng. Giraldo Benitez SolorzanoLogistics 4.0 in the manufacturing company: Goals, processes and solutionsProf. Dr.-Ing. Sebastian TrojahnDetermination of the mixed juice flows to be transported by the intupible pumps, in the tandem imbibition system of cane millsMsC. Isaac de la C. Pedroso Mantilla -
Saturday 27November 2021
Standardization in engineering: Its impact on the training of the professionalErnesto Herrera SánchezBases para la valoración Económica de costos ambientales de la Empresa Electroquímica de SaguaPedro Roberto O´Reilly Espinosa -
Coming soon
ENVIRONMETAL LOAD DECREASE OF THE FOUNDRY BY RICE HUSK APPLICATION ON FEEDERSJuan Carlos Cruz PérezProposal for an extrusion machine to produce HDPE fibers for shotcrete.Arnaldo Guirola MoralesSoftware for calculating technical efficiency by Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)Andrey Vinajera ZamoraDetermination of the mechanical properties of the coconut fruitLuis Iván Negrín HernándezCharacterization and selection of electric vibrators for emptying of bulk materials hoppersEusebio E. Pérez CastellanosObtaining deposits by FCAW+N2 for hardfacingJorge Luis Garcia JacominoWear behavior of 1020 steel carburized with husk and cob corn charcoalsEduardo Pérez RuizEnergy performance evaluating methods for the tourist facilities according to NC ISO 50 001Alfredo Alejandro Leyva CéspedesDESIGN OF A PRIMARY CLAY CRUSHING ROLLS FOR THE LC2 CEMENT PLANTFeliberto Fernández Castañeda