VIII International Symposium on Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
VIII Symposium "Design, Obtaining and Development of Drugs"
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Monday 13November 2023
CONFERENCIA MAGISTRALComité Científico SIQFBioCubaFarma, science and applied innovation with impacts on health and foodDr.C. Isis Belkis Yera AlósPONENCIAS ORALESComité Científico SIQF -
Tuesday 14November 2023
Conferencia MagistralComité Científico SIQFDesarrollo y evaluación clínica de Quimi-Vio, vacuna cubana contra los neumoccocosDagmar García RiveroPoencias OralesComité Científico SIQFGadolinium(III) based contrast agents with potential applications in the early detection of Alzheimer's diseaseM. Sc. Gabriel Rafael Guerrero PorrasRonda de preguntasComité Científico SIQFRECESODra. c. leisy nieto reyesIT IS POSSIBLE TO DESING AN EFFECTIVE ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING STRATEGU FOR THE PHARMACEUTICAL PROFFESIONAL?Daymí Isabel Carrazana GarcíaPerspectives of nanomedicines in chronic and degenerative diseasesRosa Alondra Yazmin Ramírez GutiérrezRonda de preguntasComité Científico SIQFPONENCIAS VIRTUALESDra. c. leisy nieto reyesRESUMEN DE LA COMISIONDra. c. leisy nieto reyesStudy of thermal stress of the RBD moleculesJosé Luis Duran GarciaPÓSTERS DIGITALESComité Científico SIQFBIOMARKERS OF ENZYME ACTIVITY IN PATIENTS WITH EPITHELIAL TUMORS: METALLO-OXIDOREDUCTASE ENZYMESDra. Lidia González Méndez“KNOWLEDGE ABOUT MEDICATION IN OLDER ADULTS. EDUCATIONAL PROPOSAL".M. Sc. Mileidys López BacallaoComputational identification of natural flavonoids as Polo-Like Kinase-1 inhibitors to slow cancer progressionDina Bárbara Aguado Herrera