III International Scientific Conference "Challenges of Education 2023"
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Wednesday 15November 2023
SALA VIRTUAL_RETOS DE LA EDUCACIÓN (LOCAL 2) STARFISHModerador: Erlena Cruz HernándezAcreditación de los delegados a la III Conferencia Científica Internacional "Retos de la Educación 2023"Hotel Starfish Cayo Santa MaríaAlmuerzoHotel Starfish Cayo Santa MaríaSesión Inaugural de la III Convención Científica Internacional “Retos de la Educación 2023”Presidente Comité OrganizadorPanel “La educación ambiental. Retos desde la Educación SuperiorIsmael Cristobal Santos AbreuSala Virtual_Retos de la Educación (Local 2) StarfishModerador: Ismael Santos AbreuDIDACTIC GUIDE OF AESTHETIC-ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIZATION TO PRESERVE NATURAL, HUMAN AND SOCIAL HERITAGELurima Estevez Alvarezaesthetic sustainability aesthetic-environmental sensitization aesthetically significant stimuli didactic-methodological procedures educational photo-ethnography estímulos estéticamente significativos foto-etnografía educativa human and social heritage preservation humano y social natural preservación del patrimonio natural procedimientos didáctico-metodológicos sensibilización estético-ambiental sustentabilidad estéticaPanel “La educación postgraduada. Retos desde la Educación SuperiorMercedes Alipia Carrera MoralesExperiences and good practices in evaluating the impact of postgraduate educationDr. Mercedes Carrera Morales -
Thursday 16November 2023
Conferencia Magistral: La Pedagogía cubana como ciencia social de gran magnitud y alcanceDr. Juan Virgilio López PalacioSALA VIRTUAL_RETOS DE LA EDUCACIÓN (LOCAL 1) STARFISHModerador: José Julián García MuñozPanel “La educación inicial. Retos del III Perfeccionamiento educacional”Dr. Erlena Cruz HernándezPanel “La formación inicial. Retos desde la Educación Superior”Dr. José Julián García MuñozImpact of digital gaps and school performance as seen by parentsDra. Nelida Esperanza Bustamante MalaverSystematization of the foundations of student-centered methodologies in Automatic EngineeringLic. Olga María Ojito MoralesHistorical background of Physiology in HolguinDra. Ileana Cruz RodríguezIntercultural Communicative Competence in Foreign Language Teacher Education for Sustainable DevelopmentIvanie Lucena Jiménezcompetencia comunicativa intercultural desarrollo sostenible. foreign languages formación de profesores ict (information and communication technologies) intercultural communicative competence lenguas extranjeras sustainable development. teacher training tic (tecnologías de la información y la comunicación)Education for peace. Challenges for educational equity, inclusion and qualityDr. Wanda Lázara Domínguez RodríguezBASEBALL5 IN THE UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM: A PROPOSAL TO PROMOTE SPORTS IN ACADEMIC TRAININGRoberto de la Caridad Rodríguez HerreraGamification of learning through the Moodle platform in the Information Sciences careerEilyn R. Rodríguez Díaz De VillegasPedagogical narrative in teacher training: Weaving storiesDr. Clelia Teresa ValdezExperiences and impact of the College of Journalism at UCLVLic. Martha Hernández CasasCARE AND PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLDiasmiri Ramos CabralesTransforming the learning of chemical compounds: Augmented reality as a multimedia tool in high school studentsJaime Andrés López HernándezThe interdiciplinarity starting from the English language for specific purposes in university students.María Del Carmen Cupull SantanaPredictive Modeling for School Attendance Prevention Using Machine Learning: A Focus on Innovation in EducationNayib de Jesús Tapias LópezThe community project and its impact on care for people with disabilitiesBeatriz de la Caridad Galvez JiménezDiagnosis on the use of the virtual learning environment and its digital educational resourcesKimany Fernández SantosEducative programme to modify risk perception of HIV/aids in medicine students.Llanuris Llanes GarcíaThe superation at challenges of educational improvement. Programming postgraduate system.Maria Amelia Muñoz PentonBases for the establishment of a Teaching Digital Competence Framework for teachers in CubaOrestes Coloma RodríguezATTITUDE TOWARDS SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN PERUVIAN AND COLOMBIAN UNIVERSITY STUDENTSM. Sc. Ronald Miguel Hernandez VasquezTHE PREPARATION OF THE TEACHER TO DIRECT THE PROCESS OF TEXT COMPREHENSION AT THE ELEMENTARY EDUCATIONAL LEVELMavis Ramos Negríncommunicative and sociocultural approach comunicativo y sociocultural improvement of the primary educational level; teaching learning process; developer learning; spanish language; cognitive perfeccionamiento del nivel educativo de primaria; proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje; aprendizaje desarrollador; lengua española; enfoque cognitivoThe training of the children's education professional from an interprofessional approachM. Sc. Nancy de las Mercedes Gallardo MachadoImpact of the integration of technologies on the digital competence of foreign language teachersBertha G. Salvador Jiménez